Happy New Year

It's the new year and even though I have taught one class, nearly all the classes come back to normal this week.  I am looking forward to seeing a set of kids, which, as the class is small, we did not run over the holiday period.  I did see three of them at the New Year Fun Club which was great.

I am teaching brown belts quite a bit and on our grading system that means Bassai.  From here it is all downhill, as they are nearly there, only three more belts to Cho Dan Bo, and that is a major achievement itself.
It is only a short hop then to First Dan.

I have now done my First double Monday session of 2014.  It was brilliant to see the kids again, they all worked quite hard, but not as hard as I would have liked, they are kids after all. However, we did do the merit badge, Roundhouse Kick.

Let's hope the next sessions are just as much fun and we all learn something new! Kong Su!


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